Saturday, January 22, 2022

Amazing Photography in Honolulu


Amazing Photography
Absolutely stunning photography at one of Oahu's most scenic beaches near Kahala Resort Hotel.

Have you ever seen a wedding photo so beautiful?

Waikiki Weddings

Waikiki Weddings
Photographer Robert's wedding photography seems to be better than ever!


Bridal Dream Hawaii

Kahala Beach Honolulu
Awesome view in Honolulu! Don't miss this beach!
Dance on the Beach

Silly Photo
Throw in a silly pic or two for good measure.

WAIKIKI WEDDINGS Bridal Dream Hawaii 808-924-3600

Beautiful Hawaii Wedding Photos


Groom & Minister
Very happy with how beautifully these Kahala wedding photos turned out. Magnificent!

Minister and Groom wait for the Bride.

Hawaiian Wedding Minister

Waikiki Weddings
European Bride gets married in Honolulu. Dream wedding!
Amazing Photos

Kahala Wedding
Beautiful wedding photography at Kahala Beach by Oahu Photographer, Robert Hamilton.
Wedding Minister

Hawaii Wedding Flowers
Exchanging flower leis is a popular wedding tradition in Hawaii.
Lei Exchange

Hawaii Wedding

Bridal Dream Hawaii
Hawaiian Wedding Minister Rev. Ellsworth is also a professional Ukulele Musician. This talent adds tropical flavor to your Honolulu wedding.

Also see:



Friday, January 21, 2022

Moana Surfrider


Waikiki Honeymoon
Some may think hotel entrances are strange places to shoot impromptu wedding photos. We beg to differ. Get creative. And bring back photo "souvenirs" from Waikiki.

Also see:


Waikiki Hawaii

Waikiki Wedding Photos
For those staying at Waikiki Beach Marriott or Aston Waikiki, Queens Beach is walking distance, near Honolulu Zoo.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Beautiful City Honolulu


Ala Moana Park
Honolulu is a beautiful city with fine architecture in its skyscrapers towering up to the blue sky. Ala Moana Beach Park gives us a fine view in all directions.

Also see:


Waikiki Weddings

This is about as high as he goes.
Waikiki Weddings
Carry the Bride.
Bridal Dream Hawaii

Waikiki Weddings
Aloha from atop the White Wall at Ala Moana Park. Love the deep blue sky backdrop.

WAIKIKI Beach Weddings by Bridal Dream Hawaii. 


Saturday, January 15, 2022


Bridal Dream Hawaii
Bride and Groom in fancy Wedding Gown and Tuxedo standing on White Wall at Ala Moana Beach Park in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hard to match wedding phtoos like these without formal atttire.
Oahu Honeymoon

Waikiki Weddings
Nice view of Diamond Head and Waikiki from Ala Moana Beach.
Waikiki Wedding Photos

Honolulu Wedding Photography

Royal Hawaiian Hotel

Waikiki Wedding Photos
Classic and picturesque Royal Hawaiian Hotel is a historic Waikiki landmark, and looks great in the wedding and honeymoon photos too!
Bridal Dream Hawaii

Royal Hawaiian

Wedding Photography

Oahu Photographer

Royal Hawaiian Hotel

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Colony Surf Beach Wedding Photos

Wedding Gown
Groom shows off his Bride's beautiful wedding gown.

ALOHA! Greetings from Honolulu!

Waikiki Weddings
Clear blue sky above the Colony Surf in Waikiki Hawaii.

Bridal Dream Hawaii
Lovely day in Paradise! Perfect for a Waikiki Beach Wedding.
Oahu Hawaii
Beach stroll by the Waikiki Outrigger Canoe Club.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Kapiolani Park Waikiki


Diamond Head
Beautiful wedding and honeymoon photography at Kapiolani Park, Waikiki.
Waikiki Weddings

Waikiki Wedding Photos
Awesome Diamond Head view up close at Kapiolani Park.
Bridal Dream Hawaii

Diamond Head View
Photos by Oahu Photographer Robert Hamilton
Romantic Wedding Photography

Waikiki Hawaii
How about a romantic honeymoon in Hawaii? Great idea!

Also see:

Waikiki Wedding

Congratulations to Daryl & Trudy, married at Duke Kahanamoku Beach