Thursday, February 20, 2020

by Bridal Dream Hawaii

Looking for a simple wedding package for Waikiki Hawaii? You've come to the right place. Call us for details. No pressure and no obligation.

Our $299.00 "Simple Waikiki Wedding" package includes the services of our Wedding Minister and professional photography.

Bridal Dream Hawaii
Wedding Minister
Wedding Photographer
*images available for $10.00 each
Digital Wedding Certificate
MON-FRI: $299.00 plus tax
*Weekends add $100.00.

Options may be added to this package. Call us for details or click Wedding Reservation link below.

Waikiki Wedding Reservations

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Surfrider Wedding Photos in Waikiki Hawaii


Waikiki Honeymoon
Having your honeymoon at a luxury resort hotel in Waikiki? Call us to capture memories of your stay. Hotel photo shoot for $100.00 includes 40 images.

WAIKIKI WEDDING PHOTOS by Bridal Dream Hawaii. 808-924-3600

Waikiki Weddings

Bridal Dream Hawaii

Waikiki Weddings
Moana Surfrider Hotel opened in 1901, the oldest hotel in Hawaii.
Funny Photographer

Waikiki Wedding Photo Shoot

Monday, February 3, 2020

Pink Anthuriums


Hotel Lobby
Beautiful pink anthurium flower arrangement at Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki. I think we can take several wedding photos right here!

More photos at:


Waikiki Wedding Photos

Tropical Flowers

Royal Hawaiian Waikiki

Magic Island

  Magic Island and Waikiki Beach are just about a mile apart and we use both locations pretty equally. Brother & Sister pose at Magic I...